

w/ LuCi HQ: Imaginings in a collective workspace


Film & video

RECYCLART 13-15 Rue de Manchester B1080

In de maanden mei-juni stelt Recyclart ruimte ter beschikking voor ontwikkeling. In de luwte voor de storm van ons jaarlijks zomerfestival is er plaats en tijd om onze site te vullen met ondersteuning bij afstudeerprojecten in de vorm van residenties, try-outs, onderzoek, jury’s, publieke momenten - een plek voor experiment, om dingen op hun beloop te laten gaan en een context te bieden waarin gecreëerd en getoond kan worden.


Met op vrijdag 24 mei:



Imaginings in a collective workspacE

LuCi, the LUCA Brussels Cinema Club, takes over the Fototek of Recyclart in order to collectively imagine what their headquarters would be like. After working together for a year as a collective, the LuCi core team wants to sit down and take the time to discuss what it means to be together, how can we make decisions collaboratively and what the future could look like for an organisation made up of a constellation students with various pathways. These questions are pressing as we start to see the benefit of collective work as a pooling of resources, knowledge and experience. In this way, LuCi will also take the opportunity to start thinking about how to form a representative archive and writing guidelines for the future. LuCi invites the public to come take a seat in the LuCi HQ with the team on Friday 24/05; it is a get-together, a hang-out, a collective reading, a manifesto launch - a moment to come together.





18:00 start 


+ BAR RESTO 12:00 > 22:00



Tags : Tentoonstelling / Kunstenaarsverblijf / KUNSTEN CENTRUM

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