
13.06.24 > 14.06.24

ISAC Festival 2024

RECYCLART 13-15 Rue de Manchester B1080

For the 2024 edition of the ISAC Festival, the students of the Institut Supérieur des Arts et des Chorégraphies of ArBa-EsA, are once again  self organizing this event. Performative works, workshops and other practical and discursive formats invite us to engage and reflect on our bodies and our positions in this world we inhabit. Program to follow.

ISAC’s spiderweb has been woven. In this silent upside-down world of violence, come and join the spiders’ inverted sense of gravity. While institutions act like mosquitoes sucking the blood out of our resilience, let’s act like spiders and eat them all. Let’s collectively try new ways of sharing, challenge expectations and play around this spider feast-evil. - ISAC’s festival invites you to take part to its game, to contribute to the collective effort, to enter the spiderweb.



13 + 14 JUNI/JUIN

16:00 > 23:00


+ BAR RESTO 12:00 > 22:00








Tags : Tentoonstelling / Kunstenaarsverblijf / KUNSTEN CENTRUM

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