


The Future of ...

Architecture & urbanisme

doors 18:30
conférence 19:00 - free
The Public School

Congrès (gare)

38 boulevard Pacheco
1000 Bruxelles

The Public School for Architecture Brussels is a self-organizing program for shared teaching and learning opportunities.  Anyone can propose a class, take a class or teach a class through the Public School for Architecture.

A group of volunteers called the Public School Committee meets periodically to review proposals and develop classes. The committee is responsible for shaping the ideological goals of the program through active discussion and engagement with the community of users with the idea that every few months, one or two volunteers leave the committee and one or two new volunteers join. In this way the operation of the school is able to remain flexible and responsive to the multiple interests of the entire body of students and teachers. 
Each committee member is able to help shape the school through the development of individual classes. To develop a class, a committee member is responsible for finding and confirming an instructor, scheduling the class at a time that works for the instructor and the students, coordinating class materials and readings and attending the class in an administrative capacity (or simply as a student).
The Public School for Architecture Brussels was initiated as a Recyclart Congresidence 2014 project. This residency at Congres ends on June 13th.
The continued operation of the Public School for Architecture Brussels is dependent on maintaining an engaged group of committee volunteers.
Please join us to find out more about The Public School for Architecture Brussels and its future, and find ways that you can participate, including joining the committee to help run the school.

Tags : Conférence / Résidence d’artistes

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