

Stadpluraal: Making home(s) – Architecture and Displacement

Globe Aroma
+ Luce Beeckmans
+ Alessandra Gola
+ Hilde Heynen
+ Maja Momic
+ An Vandermeulen
+ Ashika Singh
+ Heleen Verheyden

Architecture & urbanisme

Stadpluraal: Making home(s) – Architecture and Displacement

w/ Globe Aroma + Luce Beeckmans + Alessandra Gola + Hilde Heynen + Maja Momić + An Vandermeulen + Ashika Singh + Heleen Verheyden

How can architecture and collective design address the needs of displaced individuals seeking a place to call home? This event explores housing solutions for newcomers, with a focus on Globe Aroma, an artistic space in Brussels that supports newly arrived artists and creators. The authors of Making Home(s) in Displacement and Inhabiting Displacement will engage in a dialogue with members of Globe Aroma to rethink architecture and collective spaces together. Through tangible elements like doors, stoves, and beds, we will reflect on what is needed to create homes and foster a sense of belonging.

18:30 Doors
19:00 Start (Exchange in English)
+ Resto > 22h (Kitchen > 21h)
+ Exhibition of Ismail Matar: Home and Belonging – A Dream from the past


Globe Aroma

Globe Aroma is an artistic workspace and meeting place that offers space, time and a network to artists and art enthusiasts who have a journey as newcomer*. Globe Aroma supports people who often face particular difficulties in accessing the artistic sector and engaging in artistic activities due to their precarious citizenship* status. Globe Aroma builds, in alliance with the Flemish, Brussels and international cultural, educational and migration sectors, an intermediate spiritual and infrastructural space in which a community* can create, explore and share art with a wide audience.


Inhabiting Displacement: Architecture and Authorship (Editors: Shahd Seethaler-Wari, Somayeh Chitchian and Maja Momić)

This co-edited volume positions itself at the intersection of spatial and social science disciplines regarding questions of migration and refuge. By taking conditions of contemporary displacement as its starting point, it focuses on the notion of inhabitation and, by extension, the figure of the inhabitant as the prime author of space. Through different methodologies, modes of representation, geographies, and scales of analysis, each contribution engages critically with the question of architectural production and spatial authorship from a different lens. As such, the book aims to disclose the ambiguities and contradictions of the modern discipline of Architecture by foregrounding the otherwise invisibilized and marginalized practices of inhabitation and appropriation of space.


Making Home(s) in Displacement: Critical Reflections on a Spatial Practice (Editors: Luce Beeckmans, Alessandra Gola, Ashika Singh, Hilde Heynen)

Making Home(s) in Displacement critically rethinks the relationship between home and displacement from a spatial, material, and architectural perspective. Recent scholarship in the social sciences has investigated how migrants and refugees create and reproduce home under new conditions, thereby unpacking the seemingly contradictory positions of making a home and overcoming its loss. Yet, making home(s) in displacement is also a spatial practice, one which intrinsically relates to the fabrication of the built environment worldwide.


STADPLURAAL is Recyclart's platform for practices focused on the production and exploration of space with a strong multidisciplinary approach. It initiates dialogues around the right to the city, emphasizing collective practices. The cycle centers on mechanisms of exclusion in architecture, urban planning, and city-making, addressing questions of privilege and social class.


Image Credits: WA/Globe Aroma/Luce Beeckmans

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