


Queer ASS-embly


RECYCLART 13-15 Rue de Manchester B1080

Montez à bord du vaisseau MIA 5.4 (Machina Instrumental Astrofebris) et voyagez dans le passé, le présent et le futur de l'espace (queer). Participez à l'ass-emblée queer avec notre équipage à travers des activités interactives, de partage des savoirs et d'archivage collectif. Ressentez cette montée de fièvre tandis que vous entrerez en collision avec une constellation de voyageur.euses du genre lors d'une danse proverbiale dans le cosmos urbain de Bruxelles!
By yours truly
???? Aurélie M. Nzuzi De Mol
???? Áxil Borges
???? Blue
???? Jo Millinship Brisard
???? Matilda Vidal
???? Major Mathilde
19:00 - 01:00 
BAR RESTO OUVERT / OPEN : 18:00 - 21:00


Blue – The bubble

The bubble is there for people to feel safe and cosy. Here you can listen to different audio channels that will strengthen your own bubble, that make you feel happy and secure. The bubble is all about the bubble feelings; the beautiful, joyful but also, the ugly or scary. People can listen while laying on the pillows or walking around. You can also share your own experiences on the walls of the bubble and/or read those of others.


The Dressing Corner

Traveling through space, time, sex-gendered, sexualised, racialized, (in)valid(ated)...identities is a transformative experience. Your vision of yourself and yourself of others changes as well as how others perceive you. If you are excited to do so, Queers in Space invites you to explore your identity·ies for tonight's interstellar trip. You can try on different outfits, find the one that suits you best, share your ideas with fellow travellers or even get changed ten times through the evening if you wish! Simply make sure that you bring back your loans before you leave please :)


The Emotional Capsule

« Whenever I have a strong feeling while I am walking alone in the streets, whether it is sad, angry, joyful etc., I immediately need it to be heard by others. So my first reflex is to send a vocal message to my friends... And then, I continue my journey with the music that suits the most to my mood. » - Major Tomboy

Out of time and space, explore your personal emotional journeys when travelling the public space of Brussels. The emotional capsule will project you a short film of a place in Brussels which you may know or not. You will then be able to send Major Tomboy a vocal message to describe your sensations, your mood, your memories, your emotions, or whatever else you want to share! To have a closer insight to the reality of walking individually in public space, we recommend you to enter the capsule one by one. 

And what if we created a giant playlist made of all our musical capsules? Major Tomboy is very much into music and would love to know what song sticks the most to your mood after your journey with the capsule. You can go and talk to Major Tomboy directly or send them a second message with the title of the song if you wish. Perhaps the crew is currently playing some of your musical capsules ;)


The Cluedo

An educative, fun and sexy real life board game.
Welcome to Duraqueer Manor, a space inhabited by 10 characters, each more lecherous than the last.
During this life-size game of Culedo, you'll have the opportunity to play the role of these characters, while investigating the mystery that hangs over the Manor: "Who had sex with whom? In which room? With what object?"
So, will you be the seductive Miss Rosebud? Colonel le Mouille Hard? The uncompromising Doctoress Tata Place? The impetuous Lord Gasme? The Abbé des Haies Sème? Or, oh râge, oh despair, the terrible Mr Leblanc Cis Het?
During this quest, you'll also have the chance to meet various characters from the game who will come to life for the event. They'll guide you on your quest, giving you precious clues. They'll be your faithful allies, but they can also set you up for some nasty traps...
A giant board will be created for the occasion, and you yourself will be the pawns in the game. You'll be able to establish fictitious relationships between players, which will help you progress in your quest, or on the contrary, slow you down...
The game is played in pairs, so you can choose to play with a friend, lover or stranger!
Of course, there will be no physical contact between players, and consent will be fully respected at all times.
The Queer Cordel or The Full Circle of Love 
Queer Cordel takes inspiration from the Brazilian's Cordel Literature and it's a souvenir from our event. Feel free to write about your relationship with the city or to tell your coming out story, to express your feelings, your rage, to draw something, you are free and this is the moment for you to leave something out to the world. You can also read the messages displayed and take one that resonates with you.


Live from Montreal 

Queer spaces co-exist, they are multiple and our communities have multiple homes across the world. Newcomer in Montreal, Aurélie walks and bikes the city in the queer spaces they've dived in the last weeks. She'll bring you along the people she has met who welcomed her in those spaces. A portal live/life from Montreal with .... My home, Ping Pong Bar, La Salla Rossa, Champs, Bar Coop Milton, QPIRG McGill Library, Queer McGill, QPIRG Concordia Library, Le Frigo Vert, Le Village, Eva B, Anarchist Library ...


DJ set by Major Mathilde

Belgian sensation Major Mathilde is taking the clubbing scene by storm with her fusion of tekno and trance, laced with pop and bimbocore influences. Step into Major Mathilde's world, where the beats are infectious, the energy is undeniable, and the seriousness of techno takes a backseat to the pure joy of the music.
DJ set by Gomar
Insatiable digger with eclectic taste, Gomar is into a myriad of genre, crossing boundaries between all styles to deliver hot blends. Always on the lookout for new sonority, be ready for a mix through different vibes combining dark atmospheres influenced by rave parties and sexy grooves from soundcloud global club scene: expect just.. everything.
Food by Bar Resto Recyclart 
There is not much that brings people more together then food, so come fill your stomach with the delicious vegan/ veggie & halal dishes by Recyclaert. Houmous, cheese, lentil ragout & more.
You'll get a 4EUR discount on the plate, our lil gift to you.
Just ask for a token to anyone of the team !
Respect each other, respect yourself.
Discrimination, abuse and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. If you don't feel safe, please reach out to our staff (Bar, Door, WC). Look out for each other.
Get informed about drugs, be aware of the effect of these substances on your body and mind. Care for yourself and others around you.
Denk aan onze buren. Pensez à nos voisins. Please be quiet when going out and don't throw your trash in our streets









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