

ROTOR - waste/production


Arts plastiques

doors 20:00 - free
debate 20:30

Congrès (gare)

38 boulevard Pacheco
1000 Bruxelles

débat avec ROTOR ~ waste/production

> FB event

Recyclart s’est associé à l’asbl Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques pour lancer ensemble cet automne l’appel à projet « Curating The Station ».Après réception de nombreux et intéressants dossiers de candidatures, le choix s’est porté finalement sur le projet Performance Electrics GmbH" commandité par le collectif AGENCY AGENCY

AGENCY AGENCY is an art production agency, an artwork, a collective, a

platform, a think tank inside the future, a party, an artists' placement group, a residency and laboratory for alternative models of artistic production. AGENCY AGENCY promotes destruction for the sake of progress: in severing links with the conventional format of the exhibition and safeguard of contemporary art institutions. AGENCY AGENCY is Helen Turner, Brendan Michal Heshka and Benoit Loiseau.

About Performance Electrics
Founded in 2012 by artist Pablo Wendel, Performance Electrics produces electricity through art, which is then fed into the national grid. The works manifest in temporary actions in public spaces, installations and long-term public art projects. Wendel graduated from the MA Sculpture department at the Royal College of Art, London in 2010. His work deals directly with the immediate environment and is made up of self-defined experiments, which identify boundaries and consequently transgress them.

Tags : Expo / Débat / Résidence d’artistes

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